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Who is Domain Holdings Australia Limited?

Domain Holdings Australia Limited engages in the real estate media and technology services business in Australia. The company operates through Core Digital and Print segments.

How much money does Domain Holdings Australia make?

Domain Holdings Australia (ASX:DHG) has a market capitalization of $0.00 and generates $345.79 million in revenue each year. The company earns $36.59 million in net income (profit) each year or A$0.06 on an earnings per share basis. How many employees does Domain Holdings Australia have? The company employs 998 workers across the globe.

Does Domain Holdings Australia pay a dividend?

Domain Holdings Australia (ASX:DHG) pays an annual dividend of A$0.06 per share and currently has a dividend yield of 1.50%. The dividend payout ratio is 100.00%. Payout ratios above 75% are not desirable because they may not be sustainable. Read our dividend analysis for DHG. What is Domain Holdings Australia's stock symbol?

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